Relief Society Information
North Park 5th Ward
Relief Society Newsletter
January 2025
Happy New Year!!!
January brings a new time for our church meetings–
starting time for Sacrament Meeting is now 8:30 am!
8th–Kimi Wegener
13th–Jennifer Cannel
16th–Jessica Thomson
20th–Louise Collings
21st–Sherie Carter
24th–Tanya Gibson
24th–Marsha Perkins
30th–Marybeth Wilson
12th: “Nourish the Roots, and the Branches Will Grow (Dieter F. Uchtdorf)
26th: “The Joy of Our Redemption (Kristin M. Yee)
This year our RS activities will mostly be on Thursdays–get these dates on your calendar now so you don’t miss out!
January 16
March 20
May 11(Sunday)
July 17
September 18
November 20
January 16th–We’ll have a RS Family History Activity (Thursday night) at 6:00 pm at
the home of Louise Collings. She will be teaching us how to know if the names we
have are really ready for temple work. There will also be a question & answer period
and experienced sister to help us on our family history journey.
The Winter Session of the “Come Follow Me” adult-education class, taught by Lila
Cooley (North Park 4th Ward) is starting up on January 9th. Classes are taught on
Thursday mornings from 10:00-11:00 am at the Hyde Park Building. No child care will
be provided.
Jan. 9th– D&C 1Â
Jan. 23rd– D&C 2, JS Hist 27-65
Feb. 6th– D&C 6-9
Feb. 20th– D&C 12-17, JS Hist 66-75
March 6th– D&C 19
March 20th– D&C 23-26
April 10th– D&C 30-36
April 24th– D&C 37-40
Our RS “Small Groups” have been organized and if they haven’t already started, they should be starting up right away. If you are interested in joining any of these groups & haven’t signed up yet, please reach out to the sister who is in charge of the group you want to join:
Walking–Paige Jeppson
Yoga–Kinzie Dominguez
Craft/Sewing/Yarn–Kari Clark
Pickleball–Heidi Parker
Cooking–Tanya Gibson
Temple & Lunch–Andrea Dransfield
There are some other groups that several sisters have shown an interest in, but we don’t have a leader yet. If you are interested in joining one of the following, please contact Elaine Weber: Family History, Exercise, Spring Cleaning, Cleaning, Games, and a Book Club. We will post on Group Me when the groups are getting together so
you can join if you’d like.
For other ward information, details, and announcements please make sure to check
our ward website:
Beyond January CALENDAR ITEMS:
The Stake Humanitarian Project for the 7”x 9” knitted or crocheted blanket squares will end on March 1st, 2025. New projects will be announced in January–and Hope Welch will have more information for us soon. Many thanks to everyone who has contributed to the blankets! Hundreds are going to the various people who need them. Please finish up any squares you are currently working on and get them to Hope. She will deliver them to the stake.
March 20th– RS Birthday Dinner–get this on your calendars now! More details will
be forthcoming.
If you have questions or ideas pertaining to Relief Society, feel free to reach out to any of us with a text or a call:
- President- Andrea Dransfield:Â 435-938-8934
- 1st Counselor- Heidi Parker:Â 435-764-2153
- 2nd Counselor- Paige Jeppson:Â 307-884-3025
- Secretary- Christy White:Â 435-764-7693